Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wow... I haven't written in over a year.  Time sure does fly.  Like hell it flies.  This is crazy.  I didn't even know where to start with this new post, but I just knew it was overdue.  Sure is.

My son turned 2 the other day.  He is one of two little joys in my life.  I never wanted kids when I was younger.  In fact, I thought my mom, a stay-at-home mom, had the worst job in the world next to the garbage collector.  Now I wish I had more time with my kids like a stay-at-home mom does.  Am I missing out, just so we can live in a nicer house and have new things?  It's not like we're rolling in the dough... I'm married to a public servant and I do menial accounting work.  I'm not a CPA, I'm a musician who needed to pay the bills.  I do my job well, or at least I used to.  I don't even care about it anymore.

So, here I am.  Thirty six in September.  What do I do with my life now?  I think so many of us ask this question and no one has a freakin' clue to what the answer is.  I know I don't.  I just want to inherit a bunch of money and live comfortably.  Is that too much to ask?

My daughter is turning 6 in a few days.  What I wouldn't give to make her life as easy as possible.  I hear about people with trust funds who have no end to the amount of money they can blow through, and I can't help but be extremely jealous.  I want it that easy.  I'm sure there are downfalls to that, but haven't I lived the "Paycheck to paycheck" life long enough?  I'm tired of it.

So, in June, the month of my daughter's birthday, I'm going to turn a new leaf.  I've got a bad habit of eating out...all the time.   This is not only bad for my bank account, but bad for my waistline, too.  Wish me luck.  I hope this is going to change some things, and maybe even allow me to cut some hours at work.  Less work = more time with the kids before they grow up in the blink of an eye.

Two and Six year olds... They keep me grounded and constantly trying to figure things out.  I've got to make these changes, not only for me, but for them.  They deserve a mom who is there for them more than an hour and a half per night.  They need college savings and hell, even cars in a short 10 years.   I'm not saying they're going to get everything they want and everything handed to them, but it's better to aim for that than to aim for my next yummy, fattening meal out.

Time for change.