Friday, July 16, 2010

I Pitty The Fool

Today was a rare occasion at our house; a garage sale. We hate doing garage sales... But, it was time to get rid of some stuff. It's amazing how much crap you can accumulate over a few years! The other thing that amazed me is how attached I found myself to be to my little girl's baby clothes. Boy, I used to pitty people who were emotionally attached to items such as clothing or furniture, you know, the people they make shows about these days. I made fun of such people for being weaker than I somehow. But there I was, getting that lump in my throat as I picked up one of my daughter's old dresses from a bin of clothes we had for sale. Eyes started to water... "Pick yourself up, there are people around," I said to myself. Easier said than done, but I managed to swallow the lump and the tears never made their way to my face after all. Success.

So, now what? Do I keep some of her little baby clothes? My husband laughed at the idea when a friend mentioned doing so. I laughed along. After all, I pitty the people who hold onto such things... Not me... I would never.

But, I'm afraid I'm going to have to dig into those bins of clothes on garage sale day #2. I have to swallow my pride and give myself a little satisfaction, a little piece of my daughter's "history", and keep some of those darling little clothes. I'll deal with my inner purger another day with other items. For now, I need to hold onto those sweet little memories while I have them, even if they are attached to purple dresses and pink socks.

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